We are happy to receive constructive comments and criticism regarding our services and use the opportunity to review and improve our systems wherever possible. We operate a Practice based complaints procedure which meets national criteria. This allows us to investigate any problems or complaints you may have.
Your complaint should be addressed to the practice manager who will ensure that your complaint is investigated thoroughly and as quickly as possible. Please note that we cannot provide or disclose confidential information without appropriate authority. So, if you are making the complaint on behalf of another person, we will require that person's written consent.
If you do not feel able to raise a complaint, concern or enquiry with the Practice directly, you can contact:
The Patient Experience Team, Jubilee House, Lancashire Business Park, Leyland, PR26 6TR
Tel: 0800 032 2424
E-mail: Mlcsu.lscpatientexperience@nhs.net
Website: https://www.lancashireandsouthcumbria.icb.nhs.uk/contact-us/customer-care-team
The Patient Experience Team deal with independent contractor complaints concerning GPs, Dentists, Pharmacists and Opticians.